We support transformation and development at a personal level, for individuals or small groups.
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Every change requires personal development as its smallest yet most intense building block. Good work starts with clear self-responsibility and self-care. Good leadership begins with inner clarity. Experienced personal guidance supports the courageous exploration of inner realms and opens up important areas for development.

Our offerings

Executive Coaching

In particularly challenging times, there is a need for a protected and supportive space to reflect on personal and organizational development, and to design new solutions. We offer experienced coaching and sparring, as well as confidential scenario work.

Transformation Coaching

In addition to team and organizational development initiatives, or independently, we support individuals and small groups on their individual development paths. We consciously focus on topics such as role-based leadership, transformative leadership, or resilience and overwhelm.

Let's get started!
Explorer Coaching

We offer your first two-hour online session at a trial price. This session is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, focus on your individual topics and challenges, and determine together what you need to take confident next steps.

2h | remote

Work with us!

Are you interested in our offerings or do you have a specific project inquiry? Eva-Maria looks forward to discussing with you in a personal meeting or via email.

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At TheDive, we constantly create new things.
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