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Deutsche Bahn
New Work Manual
Knowledge Sharing
How to make transformation visible? A colorful publication helps carry new forms of collaboration within corporate structures.
Workplace Mental Health
Effective Collaboration
New Leadership


In the upcoming years, Deutsche Bahn employees face a highly complex challenge: orchestrating a significant shift of transportation from air and road to rail, crucial for achieving climate goals. This strategic realignment, named "Strong Rail," underscores the pivotal role of digitizing railway operations.

To succeed in this multifaceted task, Deutsche Bahn primarily needs people who are eager to actively shape this transformation. Hence, within the organization, there are various projects, initiatives, spaces, and departments focusing on digital innovations, new work paradigms, and cultural change.

Tangible, informative
and engaging


One of these places is the Digital Base in Berlin: a central hub in a company-wide network of various initiatives. The team of Digital Transformation located there has taken on the task of making the diversity of projects, efforts, and dedicated stakeholders visible. They contribute to networking and continuous learning through events and workshops.

Of course, the doors of the Digital Base are open to all employees of Deutsche Bahn. They can attend workshops or use the co-working spaces at any time. However, the Digital Transformation team aimed to create a medium that goes beyond the physical boundaries of the Digital Base, making it tangible and experiential how new forms of collaboration are already evolving within the DB ecosystem.

We had the privilege to assist them in developing a colorful publication that resonates with executives and employees alike, and more importantly, invites them to participate actively.

Lena Kuhlmann, Product Owner DB Digital Base

"We were overwhelmed by the response from our colleagues and continue to receive feedback from various parts of the organization. The handbook is motivating them to try new approaches and provides a helpful overview of supportive, DB-internal initiatives."


In a small team of about 2-5 people, we started an agile editorial process together with an initial kickoff workshop to gather topic ideas. It quickly became clear that this core team wanted to involve additional colleagues and initiatives as co-creators. We divided the editorial work in a co-creative sprint process with the core team, accompanied by workshops and sync meetings throughout. The Digital Transformation team conducted research, interviews, and wrote texts, just like TheDive did.


Over 120 beautifully designed pages, DB employees are playfully and tangibly provided with valuable insights into initiatives, projects, and efforts dedicated to the strategic goal of "Strong Rail."



carefully researched
and crafted pages
that encourage participation


pre-ordered copies,
even though only 1,000
were initially planned


Articles, reports,
and insights into initiatives
and projects at DB


Methods for experimenting
and reflecting together

More projects
Work with us!

For your project inquiries, feel free to contact Heidi directly.

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