The Stellar Practitioner Training
for Regenerative Business
You want to guide organizations and teams towards a regenerative future? In our training program, you'll become a Stellar Practitioner for regenerative economics. Sign up for the next sessions now.
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The sustainability transformation of organizations is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

With our comprehensive development program, the Stellar Approach, we help break down these complex initiatives into manageable steps. Tailored individually for each team and organization.

Interested in gaining a detailed understanding of the Stellar Approach methods to apply them in your own professional environment? Then the training program to become a Stellar Practitioner for regenerative economics is right for you.

Conditions at a Glance

1 digital introductory session
3 full days in person at Base1 in Berlin
4 half days digital
Next session starts: July 18, 2024

EUR 3,640 plus VAT regular price
EUR 3,195 plus VAT NGO price
EUR 2,750 plus VAT self-payer price

See Dates


When are the training sessions scheduled?

Each training session consists of a total of 7 learning units, including 3 days in person in Berlin and 4 days remotely via Zoom.

In 2024, we are offering the following training sessions:

Practitioner #3 | September 5 - November 6, 2024
Practitioner #4 | December 17, 2024 - April 1, 2025

Is the training suitable for you?

We look forward to welcoming you if you ...

  • are a team lead, manager, organizational developer, HR responsible, or simply an enthusiast for a regenerative future and economy.
  • want to understand what regenerative economy means and the paths that lead there.
  • wish to learn about the role of organizational development in sustainability transformation and how it complements strategic consultancy.
  • want to learn methods that enable teams to apply regenerative thinking.
  • want to know how teams can strengthen resilience for transformation.
  • want to learn how teams can integrate all of this into daily operations.

What will you take away?

  • A broad understanding of the latest sustainability frameworks.
  • Deepened knowledge of the concept of regenerative sustainability.
  • A common language on sustainability and regenerativity.
  • A clear process framework that provides common alignment and directs focus on achievable steps in the next phase.
  • Expanded methodological repertoire to effectively implement regenerative practices and translate goals into concrete, achievable steps.
  • Enhanced innovation and problem-solving skills in dealing with today's challenges.
  • Strengthened individual and collective resilience and the ability to cope with uncertainties.
  • The satisfaction of making a positive contribution and being part of the solution.
  • Inspiring exchanges with a diverse mix of participants, including our experienced TheDive trainers.
  • Our practical Stellar toolkit with numerous handouts and exercises for hands-on application and experimentation.

What if I can't afford the training?

You would like to participate but cannot afford it? We are aware that the chances of having sufficient income for personal education and development are very low, especially for non-academic children and other (multiply) discriminated persons*. If we truly believe in a life-serving, regenerative economy, access to this knowledge should be as inclusive as possible.

For this reason, this year we have reserved what we call "Chancentickets" for four Academy offerings, where you pay what feels right afterwards (gross price).

If you need help determining your needs, we have prepared a brief orientation guide for you.

This year, our Chancenticket applies to the #03 and #04 sessions of the Stellar Practicioner training for regenerative economics (in planning) and the Loop Fellow sessions numbered #28 and #29. You can find the schedule here.

Please note: We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule courses if the number of participants is too low overall. Additionally, the terms and conditions of TheDive's training, education, and further education as well as the certification and licensing conditions of Stellar Academy apply.

For structurally (multiply) discriminated groups, we include all individuals who identify as migrant, BiPoC, FLINTA, are disadvantaged by society, chronically ill, or take on extensive caregiving duties.*

Unfortunately, our premises in Base1 Berlin are currently not wheelchair accessible. If you belong to people disadvantaged by society or perform caregiving duties, please contact us, and we will discuss possibilities. Some of our events are held remotely.

🤝 For socially engaged individuals
If you are largely involved in social work (e.g., in NGOs or associations) and can only engage in gainful employment to a limited extent, but believe that our offering could be of particular value to your/your organization's work, we also encourage you to apply for the ticket.

🎲 Selection process
You can apply for a Chancenticket at any time:

To apply for a Chancenticket, please email Sue in her role of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, stating why you are applying for a Chancenticket, which session would suit you, and how participating could benefit your work and personal development.

We do not presume to weigh the neediness or discrimination experiences against each other. Therefore, we accept applications from the above-mentioned individuals up to 4 weeks before the start of each training session and then decide via lottery to ensure a fair and neutral selection process. If you are not selected for the current session, please do not be disheartened. You can give us your consent to participate in future formats upon rejection.

The winner will be informed in due time before the respective training begins by our seminar administrator and will be briefed on the next steps.

🤝 Your participation is important to us
To continuously improve our process and measure the impact of the Chancenticket, we appreciate your feedback on today's process and how fair/discrimination-free you consider it.

Additionally, once you have completed the training, we would greatly appreciate an anonymous final report from you on how the training has helped you on your personal and professional journey. This is voluntary, but it will help us make our contribution to more (social) justice visible and possibly offer more such tickets in the future.

Voice of a participant

“The training as a Stellar Approach Practitioner has introduced me to a clear and comprehensive framework that makes regenerative thinking both theoretically understandable and practically experiential. I now know a clear roadmap through which teams can sharpen their awareness of regenerative economics and implement it concretely and sustainably. I can't wait to carry it out into the world.”

Inhouse training
For organizations looking to empower a whole group of employees to become catalysts for regenerative economics.

We offer our Stellar Practitioner training as an internal development program starting from a minimum of six participants.


What prior knowledge is required for the training?

The training is aimed at internal consultants, trainers, organizational developers, as well as executives and sustainability managers who want to expand their skills in regenerative solutions.

It is advantageous if you have previous experience in agile collaboration (e.g., Loop Approach, Agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, etc.). Even without this prior experience, you will be able to follow the training content well. However, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with some agile approaches alongside the Stellar Practitioner training.

What do I have in hand after the training?

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate as a Stellar Practitioner. As a Practitioner, you will be able to apply and implement the methods of the Stellar Approach yourself. Starting from the end of 2024, we will offer a Train-the-Trainer program that will enable you to lead and facilitate the Stellar Approach in teams (Stellar Fellow). Already certified Stellar Practitioners can book the required additional modules individually to qualify as a Stellar Fellow.

hat if I can't attend a session?

This can happen, including due to illness. For digital sessions, we record them if needed and make them available afterwards. However, your learning experience is enhanced when you participate actively. We often work in small groups, and the experience is tied to the moment and cannot be fully conveyed retroactively. The content of in-person sessions is documented through photos and graphics in Mural, but there are no recordings. In your best interest, we recommend not missing more than one session.

General Terms and Conditions

Find the general terms and conditions here.

Reach out!

You have questions about the training? Feel free to contact Ella directly.

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